District 14 Motocross
Class Finish Positions
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Cadillac Saturday
Cadillac MI - 11/2/2024
Cadillac Michigan State Championship
Cadillac MI - 11/2/2024
Valley MX Sunday
Stanton, MI - 10/27/2024
Valley MX MI State Championship
Stanton, MI - 10/27/2024
Valley MX Saturday
Stanton MI - 10/26/2024
Twisted Sunday
Milan, MI - 10/20/2024
Twisted Saturday
Milan, MI - 10/19/2024
Dutch Sunday
Bloomingdale, MI - 10/13/2024
Dutch Saturday
Bloomingdale, MI - 10/12/2024
Polka Dots Sunday
Midland MI - 10/6/2024
BRONSON MI - 10/6/2024
BRONSON MI - 10/5/2024
Bulldogs Sunday
Millington MI - 9/29/2024
Bulldogs MI State Championship
Millington MI - 9/29/2024
Dutch MI State Championship
Bloomingdale, MI - 9/22/2024
Dutch Sunday
Bloomingdale, MI - 9/22/2024
Big Air Sunday
NEWAYGO MI - 9/22/2024
Dutch Saturday
Bloomingdale, MI - 9/21/2024
Dutch Warrior
Bloomingdale, MI - 9/21/2024
Big Air Saturday
NEWAYGO MI - 9/21/2024
Portland Sunday
Portland, MI - 9/15/2024
Portland MI State Campionship
Portland, MI - 9/15/2024
Portland Warrior
Portland, MI - 9/14/2024
Portland Saturday
Portland, MI - 9/14/2024
RedBud Sunday
Buchanan, MI - 9/8/2024
RedBud MI State Championship
Buchanan, MI - 9/8/2024
RedBud Saturday
Buchanan, Mi - 9/7/2024
Valley Monday
Stanton, MI - 9/2/2024
Valley Sunday
Stanton, MI - 9/1/2024
Valley Saturday
Stanton, MI - 8/31/2024
Twisted Sunday
Milan, MI - 8/25/2024
Twisted State Championship
Milan, MI - 8/25/2024
Twisted Saturday
Milan, MI - 8/24/2024
Twisted Warrior
Milan, MI - 8/24/2024
RedBud Vet fest
Buchanan, MI - 8/17/2024
Cadillac Saturday
Cadillac MI - 8/16/2024
BRONSON MI - 8/11/2024
BRONSON MI - 8/10/2024
Battle Creek Sunday
BATTLE CREEK, MI - 8/4/2024
Cadillac Sunday
Cadillac MI - 7/28/2024
Twisted Sunday
Milan, MI - 7/28/2024
Cadillac Saturday
Cadillac, MI - 7/27/2024
Cadilllac Warrior
Cadillac, MI - 7/27/2024
Twisted Saturday
Milan, MI - 7/27/2024
Dutch Sportpark Sunday
Bloomingdale, MI - 7/21/2024
Big Air Sunday
NEWAYGO MI - 7/21/2024
Big Air Sunday State Championship
NEWAYGO MI - 7/21/2024
Dutch Sportpark Saturday
Bloomingdale, MI - 7/20/2024
Big Air Saturday
NEWAYGO MI - 7/20/2024
Big Air Friday
NEWAYGO MI - 7/19/2024
Polka Dots Sunday
Midland MI - 7/14/2024
Polka Dots State Championship
Midland MI - 7/14/2024
Polka Dots Saturday
Midland MI - 7/13/2024
Polka Dots Warrior
Midland MI - 7/13/2024
RedBud Sunday
Buchanan, MI - 7/7/2024
RedBud Sunday 2
Buchanan, MI - 7/7/2024
Valley MX Sunday
Stanton MI - 7/7/2024
RedBud Saturday
Buchanan, MI - 7/6/2024
RedBud Saturday 2
Buchanan, MI - 7/6/2024
Valley MX Saturday
Stanton MI - 7/6/2024
RedBud Friday
Buchanan, MI - 7/5/2024
RedBud Friday Night
Buchanan, MI - 7/5/2024
RedBud Friday 2
Buchanan, MI - 7/5/2024
RedBud Friday Night 2
Buchanan, MI - 7/5/2024
Valley Friday
Stanton MI - 7/5/2024
LogRoad Sunday
BRONSON MI - 6/30/2024
Log Road State Championship
BRONSON MI - 6/30/2024
BRONSON MI - 6/29/2024
LogRoad Warrior
BRONSON MI - 6/29/2024
Big Air Saturday
NEWAYGO, MI - 6/22/2024
Dutch Sport Park - Saturday MX
Bloomingdale, MI - 6/22/2024
Big Air Warrior
NEWAYGO, MI - 6/22/2024
Portland Sunday
Portland MI - 6/16/2024
Twisted Sunday
Milan, MI - 6/16/2024
Portland Saturday
Portland, MI - 6/15/2024
Twisted Saturday
Milan, MI - 6/15/2024
Battle Creek Sunday
battle Creek MI - 6/9/2024
Battle Creek State Championship
battle Creek MI - 6/9/2024
Battle Creek Saturday
Battle Creek, MI - 6/8/2024
Battle Creek Warrior
Battle Creek, MI - 6/8/2024
Cadillc Sunday
Cadillac MI - 6/2/2024
Cadillac Saturday
Cadillac MI - 6/1/2024
Valley MX Monday
Stanton MI - 5/27/2024
Valley MX Sunday
Stanton MI - 5/26/2024
Valley MX Saturday
Stanton MI - 5/25/2024
Valley MX Warrior
Stanton MI - 5/25/2024
Polka Dots Sunday
Midland, MI - 5/19/2024
RedBud Sunday
Buchanan, Mi - 5/19/2024
RedBud Saturday
Buchanan, MI - 5/18/2024
BullDogs Sunday
Bulldogs MC - 5/12/2024
BullDogs Warrior
Bulldogs MC - 5/12/2024
Big Air Sunday
Newaygo, MI - 5/12/2024
Big Air Saturday
Big Air Motocross - 5/11/2024
Battle Creek Sunday
Battle Creek MI - 5/5/2024
Valley MX Sunday
Stanton MI - 5/5/2024
Battle Creek Saturday
Battle Creek MI - 5/4/2024
Valley MX Saturday
Stanton, Mi - 5/4/2024
Dutch Sportpark Sunday
Bloomingdale, MI - 4/28/2024
Portland Sunday
Portland, MI - 4/28/2024
Dutch Sportpark Saturday
Bloomingdale, MI - 4/27/2024
BRONSON MI - 4/21/2024
Big Air Sunday
NEWAYGO, MI - 4/21/2024
BRONSON MI - 4/20/2024
Big Air Saturday
NEWAYGO, MI - 4/20/2024
RedBud Sunday
Buchanan, MI - 4/14/2024
RedBud Saturday
Buchanan, MI - 4/13/2024
BullDogs Sunday
Millington, MI - 4/7/2024
Valley MX Sunday
Stanton, MI - 3/31/2024
Log Road Sunday
BRONSON MI - 3/31/2024
Valley MX Saturday
Stanton, MI - 3/30/2024
Log Road Saturday
BRONSON MI - 3/30/2024
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